Gloucester Heritage Urban Regeneration Company

Litchfield Morris partnered GHURC throughout its eight year life. Our award winning work has rebranded and rebirthed the city, as a centre of growth and potential.

Client: Gloucester Heritage Urban Regeneration Company (GHURC)
Task: Advertising Annual Report Banners Brochure Bus Advertising Corporate Identity DVD Leaflet Mapping Poster Prospectus Signage Stationery
Skills: Design Marketing Photography Print Production Project Management
The creative team at Litchfield Morris is responsive, flexible and unerring in their ability to provide high quality and practical design solutions. I have been impressed by the commitment of each member of the team and their corroborative ethos"

Chris Oldershaw
Chief Executive Officer GHURC

Fruitful partnership

This major project, influenced each area of life and work in the city of Gloucester, delivering:

  • over £600 million investment in the City
  • over 1,000 jobs
  • over 79,000 sqm commercial and retail floorspace
  • major developments at Gloucester Quays Designer Outlet and St Oswalds Park
  • over 37 hectares of land reclaimed along the Canal Corridor and the Railway Triangle
  • 974 new homes in St Oswalds, Gloucester Docks and Canal Corridor
  • South West bypass, St Ann Way/ High Orchard bridge
  • Global Language Immersion Centre
  • new Gloucestershire College campus
  • urban design projects, public art
  • other developments including Mariners Square, Linkages
  • completed Masterplans for Gloucester Docks, Greyfriars, Blackfriars, King’s Quarter, the Railway Triangle.

New recognition

GHURC has won Royal Town Planning Institute’s awards for outstanding planning, and for the best area based regeneration, surpassing other excellent national projects.

Litchfield Morris has played a full role in this winning teamwork, growing the impact of publications year on year, and refreshing public influence.

We supply all the creative components: design, copy, website, digital project management, to produce excellence in:

  • Branding and implementation
  • Leaflets, Annual Reports, Prospectus
  • Maps, illustration, CGis
  • Posters, Signage and hoardings
  • Websites, web advertising, digital media
  • Photography.

Ongoing regeneration

We will work to continue the revitalising work of regeneration of the City’s areas of significance, to benefit its economy, environment and ethos.